Gateway Egret

Marc's Catalogue of Artwork

Gateway Egret

Gateway Egret - Rev A - 11/25/2019

I'm calling this one Gateway Egret A - in true Document Control fashion.

Looking at my 1st attempt, I wasn't really satisfied with the egret. It looked more like a duck than an egret.

But the painting is oil, meaning I could take out the duck and put in an egret; in a sense, deducking and reegretting.

I studied Google pics of egrets, and then I took the painting and deducked it, then reegretted it, without regret.

I also worked more on the background, adding depth, the reflections, etc.

I'm much happier with this work now.


The original (call it a first draft) is below, and the reference photo is below that.

Gateway Egret


I didn't look at the ref photo when I did the repainting, and I'm glad I didn't because I like my painting more than I like the original photo - which I liked a lot, or I would not have painted it!

Gateway Egret